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List of all predefined steps
Navigation Steps
- Then I navigate to “{url}”
- Then I navigate back
- Then I navigate forward
- Then I refresh page
- Then I maximize browser window
- Then I scroll to element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}”
- Then I hover over element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}”
- Then I scroll up
Click Steps
- When I click on element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}”
- When I click on link having text “{text}”
- When I double click on element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}”
- When I click on element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” and text “{text}”
- When I click on element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” on row containing “{text}” at table with (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}”
Assertion Steps
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should have text as “{text}”
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should not have text as “{text}”
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should have partial text as “{text}”
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should not have partial text as “{text}”
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should have attribute “{attribute}” witch value “{value}”
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should have attribute “{attribute}” witch partial value “{value}”
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should not have attribute “{attribute}” witch value “{value}”
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should not have attribute “{attribute}” witch partial value “{value}”
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be enabled
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be disabled
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be present
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should not be present
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be checked
- Then element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be unchecked
- Then option “{option}” by text from dropdown having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be selected
- Then option “{option}” by value from dropdown having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be selected
- Then option “{option}” by text from dropdown having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be unselected
- Then option “{option}” by value from dropdown having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be unselected
- Then radio button having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be selected
- Then radio button having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be unselected
- Then option “{option}” by text from radio button group having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be selected
- Then option “{option}” by value from radio button group having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be selected
- Then link having text (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be present
- Then link having partial text (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should be present
- Then link having text (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should not be present
- Then link having partial text (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” should not be present
- Then I expect to see “{text}” on page
- Then I expect to see a table with (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” and row containing “{text}”
- Then I enter “{value}” into input field having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}”
- Then I clear “{value}” into input field having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}”
- Then I input field having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” contains error
- Then I input field having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” is required
Screenshot Steps
- Then I take screenshot
- Then I take screenshot with name “{name}”
Select Steps
- Then I select “{value}” value on element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}”
- Then I select “{text}” text on element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}”
Wait Steps
- Then I wait “{number}” seconds an element having (id|name|class|xpath|css) “{element}” to be clickable
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